About Me

Hi! I’m Eliy. welcome! I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m not really sure where to start, buuut seeing as how this is titled, “About Me” I reckon, though it feels quite weird to do so, that I start rambling on about myself😂

The first, and most important thing you should know about me is that I am a follower of Yahweh. He is my father and king, and I would love to share my spiritual journey, and the things I am learning with y’all as we all learn and grow in our faith. I would love to hear from you as well!

On this blog you will see the Fathers name as, “Yahweh” and, “YHWH” and the son’s name as, “Yahshua” And I also use “Elohim” which is Hebrew and I use to replace Lord. I know this might seem a little bit out of the ordinary, but thank you so much for your understanding!

I am a southern girl, I love baking, cooking, writing and art. Here I hope to share random art dumps, and any tips and tricks I’ve learned, as well as little snippets of writing, and maybe short stories! Baking and cooking is really something that I love, I’ve spend lots of hours researching and practicing what I’ve learned. and it really brings me joy. My family and I have chronic Lyme and mold illness and over the years we’ve been on many strict diets. for most of my life we have been sugar, dairy, gluten, and grain free. Praise Yahweh, that in the past few years we’ve been able to add in a few grains back into our diet. We are still pretty much gluten free but sometimes will eat wheat as long as it’s sourdough. But over the years I’ve picked up a few tricks for healthy cooking, and developed a few of my own recipes. I hope to perhaps are some of those things as well.

So, what is the purpose of this blog, and why did I create it?

Well, this is really just a lifestyle blog, where I’ll share random snippets of my life. but, the main reason I created it was really to help people find their place, to be encouraged, and for us all to learn and seek, and grow in our faith. It is very important to me, and I really want y’all to know that I am not trying to teach, or proclaim that what I believe is completely correct, and that if you don’t think what I say that then makes you wrong. That is by no means my intention.

Honestly I don’t think that anyone can possibly be 100% correct. Things have gotten so lost, and watered down over time. So I know that I, Myself can not be all the way right either. But we are all trying our best, and striving our hardest to do what is right, and I think that is really something worth respecting, and that we should not put one another down for our differences.☺️

But I just want y’all to know that I am not trying to teach you, just share my thoughts, and what’s been on my heart.

We love homesteading and gardening so that may also be something you’ll see glimpses of. I hope that this can somehow be a blessing to you, and I’m so grateful that you are here. I would love to hear about you in the comments too, so please feel free to do so!

Until next time, Shalom!! 🤗